
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Terrence Jones: The Importance of Longevity in the Urban Context

Outside of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s, “I’ve Been to the Mountain Top”, I can’t remember a context where the word “longevity” stands out in my mind. Longevity is a peculiar word! In an age of 140 characters, text messages, microwaves, 4G networks, smart phones, and digital check deposits; where does longevity belong? Longevity is like the awkward new kid in school with no friends. Everyone looks at him with disdain, misunderstanding, and with no desire to engage him. Current culture would say that he is an outcast! His way of thinking is foreign and unwanted.


There is one place where longevity is appreciated. There is a place where he gets the revered seat at the table. A place where he goes from being something lost in an attic to vital for success. A place where he goes from being an outcast to such an important ingredient that without him failure is almost guaranteed! The place where longevity is like water to a human being…is Inner City Ministry! I’m in my third year now and this is increasingly obvious with each passing day. So why is longevity so important? Keep reading

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