
Monday, November 11, 2013

Trends to Watch: It's the 21st century!!

The Holy Spirit, Hispanics, and the Transformation of the American Church (Pt 1) 

While we all stand privy to a Pentecostal/Charismatic explosion south of the equator as well as in Africa and Asia, many would be surprised by the fact that our nation is experiencing its own Pneumatic surge. What makes this growth even more exciting and unique is that it seems to be coming via the conduit of a booming ethnic demographic – the Hispanic American community. Keep reading

Barna: "3 Trends Redefining the Information Age" 

With the rise of personal technology and the lifestyles that accompany it, the world is changing rapidly, and we all feel it. This interesting analysis from Barna sums up the experience of many of your church members. Here are current trends to consider.... Keep reading

Americans Aren't Moving Around Like They Used To

America has always been a nation of settlers: nomads longing for roots, but always believing that there's a better place to put them down just over the next ridge. The frequency and distance of American migration has usually been economically beneficial—contributing to upward mobility, and the geographical exchange of culture and ideas.

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