
Thursday, November 14, 2013

US officially classifies Boko Haram a terrorist organisation

The US State Department announced yesterday that it has officially recognised the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram as a "foreign terrorist organisation", signalling a significant change in position.

The announcement from Washington makes it a crime under US law to provide "material support" to Boko Haram, and law enforcement agencies will block business and financial transactions with the group.

The organisation,which has ties to Al-Qaeda and whose name translates as "Western education is sacrilege", has been responsible for over two thousand deaths in Nigeria.

Its leadership has declared intent to cleanse the country of Christians, eradicate Nigerian democracy, and replace it with an Islamic state guided by Sharia law. Keep reading

Also see
US Names Boko Haram 'Terrorists' to Help Nigeria 'Root Out Extremism'; Christian Group 'Grateful' to God for Answered Prayers

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