
Saturday, December 28, 2013

China More Conservative Than US on Abortion, Homosexuality?

While under a secular Communist regime, the people of China are more socially conservative than Americans are on issues like abortion and homosexuality, a poll revealed.

The survey was conducted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University on about 3,500 citizens of the People's Republic of China from 34 cities.

Released on Christmas Day, the survey noted that 68.5 percent of respondents said they considered homosexuality unacceptable.

Also, as reported by Zhao Wen the Shanghai Daily, nearly 60 percent of respondents held a negative opinion of abortion.

"The survey concluded that while the personal values of Chinese people had changed a lot over the past 30 years, traditional values still played a dominant role," wrote Zhao Wen on Thursday.

"Respondents were asked to grade their acceptance of each topic from one to five points. One point meant the behavior was unacceptable while five points meant it was totally compatible with everyday life." Keep reading

Photo: Baptist Press

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