
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christ Cannot Be Stopped [Live stream]

Cross is a new student conference on missions. It begins this evening.

This conference is a dream come true for me. I give four reasons for why in my message tonight. So I won’t give them here. You can live-stream all the main sessions at, beginning at 8:15 PM (EST) tonight (full live-stream schedule below).

The premise of the conference is that biblical Christians care about all suffering, especially eternal suffering. We believe that God sent his eternal Son into the world to bear sin’s penalty for his people and to rescue them from eternal suffering, and to give them ever-increasing and everlasting joy in the glory of redeemed bodies, on a redeemed earth, free from all misery and all sin. Everyone who receives this gift through faith in Christ will have it. It is offered to all, and free for all. Keep reading
Regrettably I did not post this sooner. I am hoping that the sessions will be recorded as well as live-streamed and the recorded sessions will be made available online. If they are, I will post links to them.

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