
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas becoming less Christian in the USA

Most Americans are happy to celebrate Christmas but only half are interested in the religious aspect of the season, new research suggests.

While three quarters of Americans believe Jesus was born of a virgin, and 92% celebrate Christmas in some fashion, only 51% see Christmas as an exclusively religious holiday.

Only 11% of people suggested that the religious reflection and church experience was something they looked forward to about Christmas.

It seems that to most, Christmas is a mostly social holiday now, with 69% of people saying that the aspect of the holiday they most looked forward to was getting together with friends and family.

These are the results from a survey of 2,001 adults across all 50 states for Pew Research's Religion and Public Life Project.

Pew also found that just under a third (32%) regard it as a cultural event, while 9% say it's a blend of the two. Keep reading

Also see
About Half of Americans Consider Christmas More Religious Than Cultural, Says Pew Study

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