
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dan Delzell: Salvation Without Good Works Is an Oxymoron

When people talk about "good works" in the context of religion, we generally tend to assume that man does these works by his own ability and power. But that is an incorrect understanding of what the Bible means by "good" works. In the Christian life, every "good" work is done by the grace of God. Therefore, the credit goes to God. He produces many good things through His children.

The first good work of a believer is to do just that, namely believe. That is what Christ taught anyway. Jesus was asked one time, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" He answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent." (John 6:28,29)

A person would have to be pretty arrogant to try to take the credit for his belief in Christ. I mean really. How difficult is it to reach out and receive a free gift being given to you? Even the belief itself is God's work in us. This is why Jesus referred to belief as "the work of God." We cannot legitimately take the credit even for that initial step into the kingdom of Christ, let alone all the good that will follow it.

Belief in Christ "gets the ball rolling" so to speak. The "good" works start flowing from that point forward. You first believe in Christ as your Savior, and then He does good in you and through you. Anything "bad" that remains in you or gets expressed through you is "on you." Anything "good" that is in you or gets expressed through you is because of Him. He gets the credit for the good, and you get the blame for the bad. Welcome to Christianity. Keep reading

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