
Friday, December 27, 2013

Daniel Dilzell: The Virgin Birth and Your Personal Rebirth

If you will accept the virgin birth of Christ as factual, you will be a step closer to your own personal rebirth. If you decide to reject the virgin birth of Christ, you will find it very difficult, if not impossible, to trust Jesus as your Savior. The virgin birth of the Lord is not a "secondary doctrine." It is essential to knowing God and believing in Jesus as the Messiah.

"God is spirit." (John 4:24) That goes for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But in order to die for sinful human beings, one of those three took on a human nature. A real flesh and bones body. And it was a body that did not exist prior to His miraculous conception in the womb of the virgin Mary. That conception was the work of the Holy Spirit. And the Son of God was the One to receive this "second nature." He had of course always been God, but He did not have a human nature until that point.

So what was Jesus doing before Bethlehem? Well, let's see. Creating the world, and all things. (see Colossians 1:15-17) That was pretty significant wouldn't you say? And creating man. And watching over the universe and the people He had created. And being worshipped by the angels. It wasn't like Jesus was "lacking for things to do." It was just that we desperately needed a Redeemer, and only the Lord could fill that role. No one on earth was good enough to get it done.

And so God made a way. He sent His only Son to be the perfect sacrifice for our sin. That little baby in Bethlehem came here in order to die for us on the cross. That was His mission. And He completed it perfectly, without sinning even one time. (see Hebrews 4:15) Keep reading

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