
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Darryl Dash: Seven Reasons to Preach God-Centered Messages

Preachers everywhere face the pressure to preach messages that put humanity at the center. Someone has estimated that over 80% of sermons are human-centered. David Wells writes:
It seems that God has become a rather awkward appendage to the practice of evangelical faith, at least as measured by the pulpit. Indeed, from these sermons it seems that God and the supernatural order are related only with difficulty to the life of faith. He appears not to be at its center. The center, in fact, is typically the self. God and His world are made to spin around this surrogate center, for our world increasingly is understood within a therapeutic model of reality. (No God but God: Breaking with the Idols of Our Age)
The alternative, of course, is preaching that centers on God. Rather than being less relevant, it is actually much more explosive and life-changing.

I spent some time thinking about this a few years back, and came up with seven reasons why God-centered preaching is better than human-centered preaching.... Keep reading

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