
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Garrett Kell: It’s a Good Time to Remember, Reflect, and Resolve

“Consider your ways.” Haggai 1:5

The Lord gave this sobering command to His people after they had drifted from rebuilding His temple in 520BC. They began well, but when opposition came, their faithfulness fled away. Left behind was God’s work unattended. But He graciously intervened and the people reflected, repented, and reengaged in the work He had entrusted to them.

Most of us can probably use a good dose of “considering our ways.” If you’re anything like me, you get overloaded and feel a persistent strain on your time, attention, and devotion to God. This strain can numb us and lead us to drift. And as D.A. Carson says, “we do not drift toward holiness.”

If we don’t regularly take time to evaluate our heart, we can, often unknowingly, drift into sinful or sluggish patterns.

To fight against this deadly drifting, it’s wise to draw near to Jesus and consider our ways. And while there’s nothing magical about doing this at the turn of the year, it does provide a natural opportunity to intentionally remember, reflect, and resolve with hopes that we will grow in deeper devotion to Christ. Keep reading

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