
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Greg Atkinson: 4 Keys to Creating an Irresistible Church in 2014

Let me preface what I’m about to write by saying that basic and foundational things like prayer, discipleship and evangelism (having an externally-focused church as I’ve stated before) are all a given. Each church should take the Great Commission seriously and have an emphasis on the “Go” and on the “make disciples”. I start everything with prayer and so please know that what I’m about to discuss is with the above stated things as must-haves and what I consider foundational to a healthy church.

With that being said, let me share with you the “big four” that I look for when I visit a church, secret shop a church. or consult with a church. As the Scriptures encourage us – we should “compel them” to come in.

The big four that I look for when I do a secret shopper are First Impressions, Children’s, Security and Worship. Yes, worship is last and I have listed them in the order that I weigh them.

As many studies have shown us, people make up their mind whether or not they will return, long before the worship service and especially the sermon. Most visitors will know in the first 10 minutes if they will return to your church. Keep reading
"Most visitors will know in the first 10 minutes if they will return to your church." Guests visiting the Sunday gatherings of the Journey for the first time have confirmed the validity of this observation over and over again. The Journey is the church with which I am sojourning. 
Photo: Nancy Wierzibicki/

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