
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Karl Vaters: More of the Best of 2013 from New Small Church

We’re Pushed to Build Bigger Churches – Who Catches Us When We Fall?

The push to build bigger churches continues full steam ahead in many (maybe most) American denominations.

In the past few weeks, I’ve received several cries for help from Small Church pastors because of the damage this push is causing. Keep reading

Tired of the Show – Hollywood, the Church & the End of the Competition

What are people looking for in a church?

Pastors ask this question regularly – and we should. But too often, I think we miss the mark entirely. Keep reading

What If We Made Disciples and Left Church Growth to God?

Imagine all the time, money and resources that have gone into teaching church growth in the last 40 years or so.

I know it will sound naïve, maybe even heretical to many church leaders, but has anyone thought about what the world would look like today if all that effort had been invested exclusively in church health instead? Keep reading

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