
Monday, December 02, 2013

Women Bishops in the News

9th Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminister Elected

The third ballot for the election of the 9th Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster was called at 1:41pm. With four nominees remaining on the ballot the results showed that the Reverend Canon Melissa Skelton had received a substantial majority of votes from both houses, clergy and lay. Clergy: 81 of 119 and Lay: 126 of 173

After the results were learned, the Metropolitan of the Eclesiastical Province of BC and Yukon, Archbishop John Privett contacted the other four bishops of the Provincial House of Bishops and there was a concurrence of the Provincial House. Keep reading

Also see
Rev. Canon Melissa M. Skelton: Statement [Video]
Rev. Canon Melissa M. Skelton: Curriculum Vitae[PDF]
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Seattle

Irish Anglicans install Rev Pat Storey as bishop

The UK and Ireland's first woman bishop has been consecrated by the Anglican Church at a service in Dublin on Saturday.

The Reverend Pat Storey, a rector in Londonderry, was appointed in September. Keep reading

David Ould: Grafton Appointment Exposes Massive Differences in the Anglican Church in Australia

I wrote last week about the appointment of Rev Dr Sarah Macneil as the new Bishop of Grafton diocese in NSW, Australia. Not only is she due to be Australia’s first female diocesan, but far more troubling she is on the record as holding what many consider to be heterodox views on human sexuality and the atonement.

I wrote to Dr Macneil’s new diocese and sought clarification on these large questions. Did she stand by her views or was she now committed to the official position of the Anglican Church of Australia? You can read about the clear contrast between those two positions in my original piece. Keep reading

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