
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Philip Nation: The State of Megachurches in 2013

Warren Bird is a friend and the research director at Leadership Network. He has a background as a pastor, seminary professor, and is author or co-author of 24 books for ministry leaders including Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work with Jim Tomberlin. His most recent title is Wisdom from Lyle E. Schaller. You can follow him on Twitter @warrenbird.

Recently, he posted a report entitled “2013 Year-End Status of Megachurches” and I think it is fascinating. Warren always has great insight into the life of churches individually and is able to highlight the trends that are happening on a larger scale. I connected with Warren and asked his permission to repost his article here. Take a look, mull over it, and think through the implications about what we are seeing in the church in North America. And, make sure you follow Warren’s writings, tweets, blog posts, and books to learn more from a guy who is helping all of us. Keep reading

Also see
Four States Still Don't Have Megachurches

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