
Friday, December 27, 2013

Three-Quarters of Americans Affirm Jesus' Virgin Birth; Women, Blacks More Likely to Believe

Most Americans believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, as told in the New Testament of the Bible, according to a poll by Pew Research Center which also found that women are more likely to believe in the miracle than men.

"For most Americans, the Christmas story of Jesus' birth still has real meaning," Pew reported on Wednesday, Christmas Day. "Nearly three-quarters (73%) of adults say they believe Jesus was born of a virgin."

The poll was conducted Dec. 3-8 among 2,001 American adults and says with 95 percent level of confidence that it has an error margin of plus or minus 2.6 percentage points. About 69 percent of men said that they believe Jesus was born of a virgin, while 78 percent of women affirmed the same. And while as much as 90 percent of black people said that they believe in the virgin birth, only 71 percent of white people agreed.

Protestants and Roman Catholics in America largely expressed the same level of belief in the virgin birth, 87 to 86 percent, respectively, though differences again were found among the racial categories within those denominations.

Thirty-two percent of unaffiliated people in America also said they believe in the virgin birth. Keep reading

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