
Monday, December 23, 2013

United Kingdom: No religion 'is the new establishment'

More people than ever are identifying themselves as having 'no religion' according to new research.

Two surveys conducted by YouGov reveal that out of 8,455 British adults polled, 38 per cent - 3,199 in total - said they have 'no religion'.

This is most notable in younger generations, with almost half (48 per cent) of those under 30 identifying themselves as having no religion, while only 27 per cent of over 60s said the same.

Furthermore, for the first time ever, 'no religion' has become the identity of the absolute majority of those aged 18 and 19.

It is important to note that 'no religion' is not synonymous with 'atheist'.

Many of those surveyed who do not identify with a religion specify that they do not entirely reject the idea of God, but that they choose to reject the label of being 'religious'. Keep reading

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