
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Alli Worthington: What are You Afraid of?

When I spoke at Catalyst East this year, I briefly talked about the effects of working in a fear-based environment, and judging from the ripple effect that went through the room at the mere mention of the word "fear", I struck a nerve.

Let's face it. Fear is real, and it exists in the healthiest and dare I say it, the holiest of places. People who work in ministries and non-profits are especially vulnerable to fear because their work is directly tied to their core belief system.

Perhaps you've felt it rise up in you with questions like...
  • Will I disappoint my boss?
  • Will I lose my job?
  • Am I doing a good job?
  • What if I make a mistake, and I lose people's trust?
  • What if people realize I don't really know all the answers and think I'm a fraud?
  • What if this isn't really my calling, and I fail?
  • What if I disappoint God?

If you have asked yourself these questions, then congratulations, you're normal. Believe it or not, the presence of fear (even as a leader) in your workplace does not mean your workplace is unhealthy or that you or those leading you are somehow flawed. Fear is common to all mankind.

The good news is, with these 10 insights to managing fear, you can overcome fear and help those you lead overcome it as well.  Keep reading

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