
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Carey Lodge: Talk the Word: a new approach to engaging with the Bible

Paul Keeys discusses a different approach to spending time in the Word

A new study guide has been launched with the aim of helping people to engage with the Bible by talking out loud.

Talk the Word was developed by a team at Walk Through the Bible in partnership with Counties, Scottish Bible Society and Scripture Union Scotland. The new written resource has been created to run alongside talks that help Christians to engage more fully with Bible reading.

It is a different approach to making the Bible more accessible, helping people to dig deep and meet with God through his Word, while getting themselves involved in the Biblical narrative. Keep reading
This is actually a very old approach from the days before the printing press and the Internet and widespread literacy. It would be useful in those parts of the world where the culture is oral, literacy is not widespread, and few people can read a Bible. 

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