
Thursday, January 02, 2014

Dan Delzell: New Year's Resolutions from a Theological Perspective

"I am going to do this or that differently in the new year. And I mean it this time!"

Who hasn't set off with great intentions on January 1? By the end of the first month however, things often seem to have settled back into "status quo" mode. So is there a solution to this "resolution riddle" and this new year's quandary?

Actually, yes. And believe it or not, the solution is found in the Bible. When we approach this issue from a theological perspective, we begin to see things in a new light. And it is extremely liberating and empowering.

First of all, you will need to acknowledge that "self" has often gotten the best of you. And it seems like the more you try to control your "self," the more "self" pushes in the opposite direction. So what's going on here? Is there any hope of gaining true self-control? Or am I simply destined to be dragged around by my "self" for the rest of my life? Keep reading

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