
Saturday, January 11, 2014

David Baker: Throwing out the baby with the baptism water? The C of E's experimental liturgy

The devil, it is sometimes said, is in the detail. But in an experimental service from the Church of England, it is the absence of Satan from the small print which is causing a furore.

A trial liturgy for baptising children in church has been making waves because, while parents and godparents have traditionally been asked whether they "reject the devil and all rebellion against God," the suggested alternative format merely asks them to "reject evil".

Also proving contentious is the omission of any question asking whether those bringing a child to be christened are willing to repent – as has been the case up until now.

The service is currently being trialled. To come into permanent use, it would need to gain approval from the church's governing body, the General Synod. The existing wording in the Common Worship service book, with its references to the devil and to repentance, will remain in use either way – but the new liturgy could be used as an alternative. Keep reading

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