
Saturday, January 04, 2014

Justin Wise: The One Question Every Church Should Be Asking Right Now

It’s all about MORE. Like it or not, when an organization decides to use social media, it’s to see an increase in something—money, attendees, sales, happiness.

Social media is an investment, which is why social media return on investment/ROI is the keyword we all love and know.

Recently, I was doing some online digging into social media ROI. The top result was an old post from my blog and it forced me to see how I haven’t been bringing up this side of social media enough recently, especially when it comes to my church friends and clients.

It’s a crucial discussion that churches need to be having, and it starts with the question: “How do we determine if we are being successful with our social media efforts?”

Inevitably what happens is that a church will try social media; they might sign up for a Twitter account or put some stuff up on Facebook and give it a go for a little while.

Time and again, however, they won’t follow through. The social high will wear off and engagement stops; it will be determined that social media is not effective for churches.

Why? Because they aren’t seeing immediate results. The problem is they’ve never defined “results” in the first place. Keep reading

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