
Friday, January 03, 2014

Karl Vaters: The 10 Most-Read Posts of 2013

2013 was the first full year for And it was more than I ever could have anticipated.

So many Small Church pastors have told me how grateful they are to finally have a place where they feel heard and understood, and where we’re sharing ideas that are truly helpful in Small Church ministry.

Over the last few days I’ve shared several mostly overlooked #BestOf2013 posts that I felt were worthy of a second look. Those articles were written in the first 6 months of the year when the readership was a small percentage of what it is now.

Today, I’m featuring the most-read posts of the year for These are the posts that you read and passed along to others, who then passed it to others and so on. These are some of my favorites, too.

If you missed any, or if you want to re-visit a favorite, click, read, then pass it along. Keep reading

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