
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Karl Vaters; When Church Growth Perceptions Don’t Match Small Church Reality (Infographic)

Church leaders have a lot of ideas about what the numerical growth of a church – and therefore its size – says about that church’s success and value. Unfortunately, many of those perceptions don’t match reality.

For example:

True, Small Churches have been perceived that way at times – sometimes by their own pastors. But one of the goals of is to challenge such misperceptions. Because perceptions have a way of becoming reality if we’re not careful.

So far, we’ve presented ideas and advice about the uniqueness of Small Churches in The Grasshopper Myth, over 200 written blog posts and a growing collection of podcasts and videos. But the one way we haven’t expressed it is in the visual format known as an infographic.

Until now. Keep reading

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