
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Larry Barker: Busting 6 Common Myths About Church Health

Growing up there were many superstitions, wives’ tales, and myths that as you got older you realized, as much as you believed it then, they were not true. Some were harmless and innocent but others caused fear because if you broke a mirror you believed you would have seven years bad luck. Even intelligent people will knock on wood, wish on a falling star, and become visibly upset if a black cat crosses their path. As a child, I remember carefully walking down a sidewalk and avoiding every crack because, “step on a crack break your mother’s back.”

There are many church “myths” today that are spoken as if they are factual. A myth is defined as, “an idea or story that is believed by many people but that is not true.” Remember, a myth is called a myth because it has not been proven true. The problem is that we hear myths, believe them, and then allow them to control our thinking and our behavior. When churches believe myths rather than the truth it causes fear and can paralyze their ministries. Things like, “If we build it they will come!” or “All we need is a really cool vision statement and then we will grow!” Here are some other church “MYTHS:” Keep reading


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