
Friday, January 31, 2014

Mike McKinley: 4 Lessons for Evangelism Across Economic Boundaries

Let's be honest. When churches talk about "reaching out across socioeconomic boundaries," they are talking about middle class (and wealthier) people reaching out to poorer folks. You don't see many rundown churches in economically depressed areas starting outreach programs for Volvo-driving soccer moms who live in housing developments with names like "The Pines at Oakbrooke Gables." I don't know, maybe they should.

In any case, a lot of churches find the socioeconomic barrier to be the most difficult one to overcome in their evangelism. Ethnic barriers, by contrast, are more obvious, and mature congregations will sensitively work to ensure they don't create division in the church. But so-called class differences can be more subtle. People from different socioeconomic backgrounds might look the same and speak the same language but still have a very difference experience of daily life. Keep reading


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