
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Morgan Lee: Russell Moore to US Christians on Middle East Persecution: 'This Ought to Matter'

Evangelical Christians should pay more attention to their persecuted Middle Eastern counterparts, argued Russell Moore, the President of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, during an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Friday.

"We're trying to call our churches… to care about this: to talk about in sermons, to pray about on Sunday mornings and to start focusing our attention on it," Moore told host Joe Scarborough.

He also suggested that people turn to the back pages of their Bible where often, historical maps are displayed, and say, "Iraq. That's not just a national security issue, that's where Abraham was from. And Syria, that's the road to Damascus, that's the Apostle Paul." Moore added, "That's our story and history. This ought to matter."

When Scarborough pressed Moore on why Christian politicians and citizens had been relatively muted about persecution in comparison with Sudan 10 years ago, the Southern Baptist leader did not directly address the discrepancy, but attributed the overall apathy to a sense of confusion about the issues and the geographical distance from them. Keep reading

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