
Monday, January 06, 2014

Roger S. Oldham: Pray like never before

During 2013, pockets of prayer seemed to bubble up around the nation. These include TenTwo, NAMB's prayer initiative to pray the Luke 10:2 prayer for laborers into the harvest; the International Mission Board's intensive prayer boot camp, the School of Prayer for All Nations, held at the International Learning Center; numerous prayer initiatives through state Baptist conventions and Baptist Collegiate Ministries; pastor-led corporate prayer initiatives such as the pastor's prayer gathering held Sept. 30 – Oct. 1 in Dallas, and thousands of other prayer gatherings through local churches and communities.

In addition PrayerLink, an organization of state convention and SBC entity prayer leaders, at its annual prayer retreat in October affirmed Page's call for continued prayer, adopting three guiding principles for 2014. Keep reading 
While this article was written specifically for Southern Baptists, it contains ideas and suggestions that may be helpful to Anglicans and other Christians.  

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