
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Scott M. Douglas: Practices for Developing Younger Leaders

As the Boomer generation of pastors begins their transition to retirement, a large number of Millennial pastors are poised to assume these positions of leadership. A 2012 LifeWay Research study found that 35% of pastors were either at retirement age or within 10 years or less of retirement, while only 11% of pastors surveyed were under age 35.

Just like in coaching where many head coaching positions are filled by assistant coaches, as retiring pastors transition out of ministry their positions will likely be filled by those currently serving as associate pastors, youth ministers, interns, or other roles. So what can outgoing pastors do to prepare and train a ready leadership base to step in and effectively serve in churches?

Here are 11 practices I’ve found to be successful in churches who have managed these situations well.... Keep reading

Also see
Derwin Gray: What Do You Do When a Staff Member Wants to Leave?

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