
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Office for Making a Catechumen

This office comes from the rite for the baptism of adults in the Church of South India's The Book of Common Worship (2004). It is reproduced here solely for educational purposes.

The admission of a person as a catechumen should normally be at a service of public worship, and may take place after the Lessons. Suitable lessons may be read.

After the Lessons, the candidate is led forward by his sponsors, and the presbyter says:

N, who is present here, desires to be received as a catechumen. He has promised to undergo regular instruction. Let us therefore pray for him and welcome him with brotherly love.

Let us pray

ALMIGHTY and most merciful God, we pray thee to look favorably upon this person who desires to be brought out of darkness into the clear light of thy truth and the glorious liberty of thy children. Grant that he may now make a sincere profession of his purpose, and may receive of thee grace to continue steadfast in the path he has chosen, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

He then asks:    N, what do you desire?

Answer:   I ask of you Christian teaching and Holy Baptism.

Do you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?

Answer:   I do.

Are you willing to place yourself under our guidance and instruction that you may be prepared for admission into the Church by baptism?

Answer:   I am willing.

Do you renounce all those customs and practices and teachings which you know to be contrary to Christ’s will?

Answer:   I do.

Do you promise to be diligent in prayer, regular at public worship of the Church, faithful in receiving instruction and in witnessing to others?

Answer:   I promise.

The people stand. The presbyter greets the candidate(s) according to the custom of the place, and says:

We receive you as a catechumen of the Church of Christ, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. May the almighty God, who has put these good desires into your heart, bring the same good effect. Amen.

Let us pray

All kneel.

ALMIGHTY God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, look upon this thy servant, the catechumen; give him a new heart and renew within him a right spirit to know and to do thy will with a ready heart and willing soul. Make him worthy of the holy initiation of baptism, unite him to thy holy Church, and give him a share in thy diving mysteries, through Jesus Christ our Hope. Amen.


O LORD Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd, who didst lay down thy life for the sheep; mercifully receive this brother into thy fold. Join him with thine flock, and lead him to thee pleasant pastures of everlasting life; for thy mercy’s sake. Amen.


The minister may pray extempore.

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