
Friday, January 31, 2014

Tracey Harris: Taking control of our thoughts and words - making the mind-mouth connection

Have you let God's Word take root in your heart today? 

Have you ever noticed that the thoughts you turn over and meditate on in your mind most eventually become words that you speak? 

I have. I have noticed words suggesting that I am actually worried sneak out of my lips two minutes after stating that I have left a problem or issue with God. I have heard myself uttering resentful words when I thought I had 'forgiven' someone. I have verbalised negative thoughts about myself when I had promised myself that I wouldn't.

It's very easy to growl at yourself, 'stop worrying, or stop being negative,' only to fail miserably. It's tiring and can lead to burn out.

But there is a better way – and that is to pay attention to what you are thinking about. The Bible cautions us in Proverbs 4 verse 23 to guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life. Keep reading

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