
Saturday, February 01, 2014

Brandon A Cox: 4 Ways Social Media Will Destroy Your Life

I am defensive of social media. Yes, it's easy to make fun of when you're just not into it. And it's also easy to criticize when you've been negatively affected by it. But I still believe that it's going to be more and more like air – an unavoidable and ubiquitous part of the atmosphere in which we live life.

That being said, social media can destroy your life. Quickly. Consider the recent story of a PR executive who, on her way to Africa, tweeted something with rather racist implications. She lost her job and six-figure salary and probably won't find employment again soon in the industry she's built her career in. Or the many thousands of couples whose divorce proceedings include details of an affair that started with flirting over Facebook.

Social media will destroy your life. Or perhaps more accurately, social media will allow you to destroy your own life quickly and painfully. How? Keep reading

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