
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Brian Moss: 3 Ways to Get Your Church Unstuck

On a recent trip to visit North Coast Church in southern California to check out their multi-venue model, I had the opportunity to sit down with Chris Mavity, who heads up their training. Chris is a wealth of wisdom for church leaders. Our conversation quickly drifted from venues to church health.

Our church has experienced some setbacks in our dream of a new facility. We are already running 3 services on a Sunday morning and were really looking forward to the new space. But after 4 years of setbacks, it became obvious that the new building wasn’t happening. In the mean time, our church plateaued. We’ve added nearly 800 new members during that time, yet total weekend attendance has not increased. For years I have wrestled with this issue looking at it from a thousand angles. Why are we plateaued? What do we need to do? Where do we start? There are at least a hundred different variables in these questions. It’s enough to drive a leader insane!

Thankfully, God used Chris to bring the issues into perspective. He said, “you need to do three things – clarify, simplify, and unify (ok, I changed his words to be more preachery).” Keep reading

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