
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ed Stetzer: How the Church Can Be Agents of Change

Christians must build bridges and love others if we want to live on mission. 

Churches cannot be simply concerned with effectively connecting within their own community (or their walls, if they have them). They must go beyond their walls. The obvious question is, "How?"

It's hard because many churches become obsessed with their established way of doing things, unconcerned with if it connects with those living in the neighborhood. At that point, we become more about church preservation than community transformation.

Solely pursuing cultural relevance is not the answer either. Relevance is a tool; gospel proclamation is the goal. When we pursue relevance as the goal, it leads to an unhelpful pendulum swing—making relevance the focus.

Generations shift wildly back-and-forth between "pop psychology" preaching that is devoid of the Gospel and "pure preaching" that rejects cultural relevance entirely.

I would contend that there is a better course of action rather than going with the winds of evangelical church culture. Not surprisingly, it's found right in the Bible. Look to the example of Paul. Keep reading

Photo: Irving Underhill

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