
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ed Stetzer: Social Media and Christian Ministry: Reaching the World for the Kingdom of God

Justin Wise, Founder of Think Digital, shares his thoughts on the importance of using social media for the Kingdom.

Christians have always been on the forefront of communication technology. I know what you're thinking: "yeah, right!" But bear with me for a moment.

When we look in the pages of the New Testament, we see the writings of St. Paul. Do you know what he was writing with? A pen. Do you know what he was writing on? Paper (technically papyrus, but you get the point). Believe it or not, both were cutting-edge technologies back in the day.

Martin Luther leveraged the moveable type printing press to get God's Word into the hands of regular, everyday people like you and me. In fact, Luther is quoted as saying the printing press was the "highest act of God's grace."

Foursquare denomination founder Aimee Semple McPherson felt a divine tug to use the radio broadcast to share the message of Jesus. Billy Graham is famous for his televangelism crusades. More Christians embracing communication technology to further the Kingdom.

From our humble beginnings, the church has always found ways to communicate the Gospel message through any and all means available.

Now it's our turn to shape the next era in church history. You have a role in determining where the church goes next and it largely depends on your response to two words: social media. Keep reading

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