
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Jason K Allen: Where are all the godly men?

Where have all the godly men gone? These days I ponder that question with increased frequency and concern.

If the lack of godly men were only a matter of personality or ministerial preference, then little would be lost. Such is not the case, though. The church is in great need of awakening and renewal and, in the spirit of English Puritan leader Richard Baxter, its greatest need might well be godly men.

Not that long ago, "man of God" was a common and honored descriptor in the church. The phrase ranked alongside "great preacher," "brilliant theologian" or "gifted writer" in frequency and surpassed them in value. Now, it seems as though the designation "man of God" is a largely passé referent to a bygone era of church life.

We have increased the mundane and ancillary aspects of Christian ministry, all the while cheapening its true virtues and values. In God's economy, though, character is valued over talent, and holiness over giftedness.

Why is there a dearth of godly men? Admittedly, godliness is nearly impossible to measure, and godly men are nearly impossible to quantify. Yet, three factors seem especially to contribute to the paucity of godly men.... Keep reading

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