
Friday, February 28, 2014

John Sandeman: Introducing God again: evangelistic course gets a new look

An Aussie-flavoured evangelism course, Introducing God, has been relaunched with new videos and course notes.

Introducing God is the brainchild of Dominic Steele, perhaps best known for founding “Christians in the Media”. It’s over ten years since the first Introducing God was run in a pub in Sydney’s Glebe. Since then it has used in hundreds of places across Australia.

“How is version two different except that I look older?” asks presenter Dominic Steele. “Yes, fashions change. And there a new set of dramas along with the messages.

“But some things are exactly the same- I am still profoundly committed to the biblical theology setting of Two Ways To Live … (an evangelism outline from the Sydney Anglicans) and placing that in the context of relationships.”

This means that the course tells the “big picture” of the Bible from the fall onwards. Other courses such as Alpha deal with the life of Jesus in the first episode.

“There a lot of ways you can proclaim Christ, but the simple message of Jesus as Saviour and Lord is hard for people to receive, unless you understand you are a rebel, and that there is an Almighty who you have rebelled against,” says Steele. Keep reading

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