
Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Johnnie Moore: We Must Stand Up for Middle East's Persecuted...

Christianity began in the East, not the West, yet today Christians in the East are enduring an all-out-assault by Islamic terrorists, while Christians in the West live their lives largely oblivious to it all. This has to change.

This is no imaginary persecution; in Syria alone there have been reports of kidnappings, Christian communities intentionally displaced by militants and, worst of all, shootings and beheadings of Christians who refused to convert to Islam.

In Egypt radicals have recently destroyed dozens of churches, and the once vibrant Christian population in Iraq has been decimated. Christians in the West should stand up for those in the East out of regard for all they have given us over these thousands of years.

Christians in the West should stand up for those in the East out of regard for all they have given us over these thousands of years, if for no other reason. Keep reading

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Nigeria: Boko Haram murders Muslim cleric and 11 Christians in further attacks
Kazakh pastor’s trial halts amid heated arguments

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