
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Justin Wise: 7 Ways to Think Differently About Your Church Social Media Content

We need to start thinking differently about social media in our churches.

Social media has been vilified, championed, and everything in between in our churches, and with good reason. It’s new, and anything new–especially substantially new–is usually feared at first.

But I believe it’s time to start thinking (and talking) differently about social media in our churches. My guess is you feel this pain as well. With Facebook turning 10 recently, social is maturing. Our attitudes and approach to it must mature as well.

If you need a starting point for social media in your church, start with the following list. Print it out at and give it to your staff. Send it to your lead pastor. Let’s take a look at how we can start thinking differently about our churches and social media. Keep reading

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