
Monday, February 03, 2014

Karl Vaters: In Celebration of Quirky Churches

I like quirky churches.

And I’m pretty sure God does, too. Just take a look at the astonishing variety of churches in the New Testament. Not to mention the churches and church leaders he’s used in the last 2,000 years.

Some churches stay small because they’re boring.

Some churches get big and then get boring.
Other churches stay small because they stay quirky. We don’t need less of them. We need more of them. And we don’t need them to be less quirky. We need them to turn the quirky up!

If your church is being genuine in its expression of the gospel and staying true to yourself, we celebrate you.

If your church is reaching a segment of society no one else is reaching, we celebrate you.

If your church causes churchy people shake their heads in confusion at the way you do things, we celebrate you. Keep reading

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