
Saturday, February 01, 2014

Karl Vaters: The Long-Term Value of Small Ministry [3 Videos]

Do Small Churches really have value? Thankfully, this isn’t the only ministry answering that question with a big YES!

The speakers in today’s videos, from the October 2013, Small Church Pastors’ Workshop, definitely agree about the value of Small Churches. And they make that argument in some very encouraging and practical ways.

Just scroll down a little to watch the following videos embedded in this post:
  • Bob Kilpatrick – The Value of a Lean and Mean Church
  • Joel Kilpatrick – Small Doors Lead to Big Ministry
  • Frank Wooden – The Value of Pastoral Networking and Delegation
The speakers come from three very different types of ministry (music, writing and pastoring), but they all arrive at the same place. God uses small beginnings to do great things.

As Bob Kilpatrick reminds us in his talk, Jesus never said “well done, thou good and famous servant.” Faithfulness is what Jesus asks us for – and that’s what he rewards. Keep reading

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