
Friday, February 14, 2014

Karl Vaters: Your Church Is Big Enough [Podcast]

Nothing is ever big enough. That’s the reality of our culture. Unfortunately, that mindset has invaded the church.

The first post I ever wrote here at directly challenged that bigger-is-better mindset.

In it, I encouraged Small Church pastors to realize that your church doesn’t need to be big in order for God to use it. Or you.

Your church is big enough.

Right now. Today. At its current size.

Your church is big enough to do what Jesus has called you to do, and to be who he has called you to be.

Your church is big enough to minister the healing grace of Jesus to its members. And you have enough members to take that grace to your community in an overflow of joy and hope.

In today’s podcast, Jeff and Jonny of interview me about the content of that post.

It starts with Jeff asking me a question, based on something a friend of his asked him. “How can you say your church is big enough as long as there are still people in your community who need Jesus?”

Then it gets fun. Keep reading

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