
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Mark Howell: 5 Blatantly Obvious Truths about Starting New Groups

You know how sometimes there really is an elephant in the room and no one wants to talk about it? Or if certain people are in the room a kind of code is used to disguise the real topic? Depending on who’s in the room, the subject of starting new groups can be like that.

Don’t believe me? Try having conversations (or even casting vision) about the need for new groups:
  • In front of the leaders of groups that aren’t full.
  • In front of certain members of groups that everyone knows ought to be leading a group.
  • When space is at a premium and the new groups will need to be off-campus.
  • When two or three unconnected generations have already voted with their feet…but the leaders of the status quo want equal time when it comes to promotion.
  • Etc.
Sound familiar? What is a leader to do? You might need to begin to lead by acknowledging the truth about the need to start new groups. Keep reading

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