
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Michael Trimmer: Human trafficking on the rise in the UK

The  National Crime Agency (NCA) reported on Tuesday that the number of potential trafficking in the UK has increased substantially between 2012 and 2013.

The NCA's monitoring system flagged 56 UK-born children who are possibly victims of sex trafficking industry. That represents a 155 per cent increase from 2012.

A smaller increase was seen among foreign-born children in the UK, where the NCA's monitoring system detected an 11 per cent rise in potential sex trafficking victims, bringing the number up to 88.
Looking at human trafficking of all kinds, including adults and children, sex, labour, and other types of trafficking, the UK saw a rise of 47 per cent in potential victims in 2013 compared with 2012.

The figues showed that 1,746 people from 112 different countries fell into the category of potential victims in 2013, with 1,122 of those being female and 450 children.

The most trafficked children by nationality were the Vietnamese, followed by the British, and then the Albanians. Keep reading

Also see
10 signs of slavery

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