
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

More Pointers for Pastors and Lay Preachers - three articles and free ebook download

Tony Merida: Preaching Christ from All the Scriptures

A Christ-centered understanding of Scripture should lead us to a Christ-centered philosophy of expository preaching. So, what exactly does it mean to “preach Christ?” Sidney Greidanus defines preaching Christ “as preaching sermons which authentically integrate the message of the text with the climax of God’s revelation in the person, work, and/or teaching of Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament.”

To see Christ formed in our people, we should always emphasize, in our exposition, the unique person, work, and/or teaching of the Messiah. Graeme Goldsworthy expresses the heart of Christ-exalting exposition, saying, “It ought to be the aim of every pastor to bring all members of his or her congregation to maturity in Christ. But they cannot mature if they do not know the Christ in the Bible, the Christ to whom the whole Bible, Old and New Testaments, give a unified and inspired testimony.”

I want to clarify four biblical reasons why the preacher should desire to preach Christ from the whole Bible. Keep reading

Marc Cortez: 4 Principles for Collaborative Preaching

Preaching is both a high calling and a nearly impossible task. If you read the literature on preaching, you see that the pastor is somehow supposed to be (at least):
  • a biblical scholar—mastering the original languages, exegesis, history, and biblical theology
  • a theologian—well versed in both historical and systematic theology as well as the major philosophies and issues of the day
  • a cultural anthropologist—exegeting the surrounding culture and the forces pressing on and shaping the church
  • a communicator—crafting oral presentations that can present all of this to interested but often distracted listeners and
  • a shepherd—knowing the flock well enough to know what they need to near now to continue growing as the people of God.
Good luck with that. Mastering one of those is difficult enough, but all five? And I’m sure we could easily make the list longer if we tried. Keep reading

Brandon Hilgemann: How to Handle Distractions While Preaching

What is the most distracting thing that has ever happened to you while preaching?

For me it was when I was a youth pastor at a church in New Mexico. I was preaching to a group of high school students.

In the middle of my message, a boy stood up, jump onto his chair and began to do what looked like an Irish jig. And before I could say anything, the chair flipped over, dropping the boy flat on his back. Everyone burst into laughter. Keep reading

Christ-centered Preaching and Teaching - Free eBook

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