
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Os Hillman: Why don't Churches See Equipping their Members as a Priority?

This month a new study came out from Barna Research on Trends on Faith, Work and Calling. There were some surprising facts that came from the study that every church leader should take to heart.

"Among Christians, there is a question: 'What does God want me to do with my life?' According to Barna Group's study, only 40 percent of practicing Christians say they have a clear sense of God's calling on their lives."

Additionally, their research shows "nearly two-thirds of churched adults say it has been at least three years or more since they heard church teachings on work and career, and yet, the workplace is where most Americans spend a the biggest share of their waking hours. However, connecting faith and work is of significant importance to the Christian community," said the study.

In a 2012 Barna Group study they found that 84% of Christian18 to 29-year-olds admit that they have no idea how the Bible applies to their field or professional interests. That is a startling statistic and should be a wakeup call for our shepherds called to equip the church for works of service. Keep reading

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