
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thom Rainer: Pastors and Mental Health

The issue of mental health and Christians is finally getting some attention. Among the Christians who have challenges, many pastors struggle with depression. We hear too frequently about a pastor committing suicide. And many wonder how such a tragedy could happen to someone whose life was committed to serving the Lord.

I love pastors. Indeed I converse with pastors via a variety of means every day. I know many of them are struggling. Many of them are depressed. And, sadly, many of them are reticent to say anything about their depression lest they be viewed as unfaithful to God and unable to help others. Keep reading

Also see
Perry Noble: Should Christians Take Medication for Mental Illness?
Perry Noble, senior and founding pastor of NewSpring Church in South Carolina writes about hs own struggle with anxiety and depression in his new book Overwhelmed: Winning the War against Worry

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