
Saturday, February 08, 2014

Tony Payne: Prepare to Share

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been leading a small-group-with-a-difference at my local church. In fact we don’t call ourselves a ‘group’ at all, but a ‘team’—the ‘Newcomers Team’. Our disciple-making focus as a group is to chase up the newcomers who roll regularly through the door on Sunday mornings. We meet each Monday night, and talk through the different people who visited the previous day. And then we phone and email them, visit them, pray for them, have them over, read the Bible with them, run a ‘Get To Know’ newcomers course for them, introduce them to a small group, and so on — basically anything that will help these new people grow in Christ by becoming linked in with our fellowship.

At the same time, we also function like any small group worth the name—that is, we read the Bible and pray together, encourage one another, catch up socially, and so on.

As part of all this, we’ve hit on an interesting way of reading and studying the Bible together in our group—one that not only integrates our small group study with the sermon on Sunday, but which helps us share with each other more encouragingly, and be ready to talk with people (especially newcomers) on Sunday more readily.

It’s a simple process that goes like this. Keep reading

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