
Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Books – The Social Church: A Theology of Digital Communications

The world runs on relational connections.

From the beginning of time, we’ve been sharing stories, anecdotes and insights about who we are and where we come from.
  • From the days of tribal cultures huddled around campfires, passing their history down through the generations …
  • To the advent of the printing press, which allowed us to share our stories with people very different from us…
  • To the emergence of radio and television, which gave us the ability to connect untold amounts of people to a common message…
We are hardwired for communication—to share, build, and connect. We literally cannot help ourselves. It is at the heart of humanity—the core of who we are.

But you and I both know we live in a different world. Things aren’t just changing—they’ve already been changed. The digital era of human communication has ushered us into a world we’re still trying to grasp and understand. Keep reading

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