
Friday, March 07, 2014

Brandon Hilgemann: The 5 “R”s to Remembering Names of Everybody You Meet

You walk into the hall after church. A young man bounces up to you and starts talking like he has known you forever. He looks familiar, but you can’t remember his name to save your life.

Sound familiar?

Remembering names is hard!

If half the people in your church knew your dirty little secret – that you don’t know their name – they would be deeply offended. The bigger the church, the harder this gets.

Remembering a person’s name is important. You never know how such a small detail might have a profound impact on someone’s life.

I once talked to a girl about her testimony. When she was in high school, she attended a church youth group with her friend once. It was OK, but she didn’t bother coming back. However, a while later her friend invited her back and she reluctantly agreed to go.

When she walked into the church, the youth pastor said hello and used her name. She was so shocked that he cared enough about her to actually remember her name that she came back every week. Eventually she gave her life to Christ.

You may try to excuse yourself saying, “I’m not good at remembering names.” But I don’t buy that.
Name memory is not a spiritual gift or some kind of genetic trait you inherit. People who are good at remembering names simply try harder and place a higher value on remembering names than others.

The good news is that you don’t have to be a genius. Everyone can remember names if they work at it. Most of us just don’t know how. Here is a system I have used to help myself remember names better. Keep reading

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