
Monday, March 31, 2014

Evangelist: Church Failing Millennials by Not Giving Them a 'Cause'

Millennials are leaving the Church because they not being given a "cause," said youth ministry leader Greg Stier.

"I feel like one of the reasons why Millennials are leaving the church is because Millennials are causal. They want a cause," said Stier, who's leading the "Reverse" conference tour. "Generally speaking, the Church has failed to give them a cause. Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20 says 'Go and make disciples of all nations;' 'I'll give you a cause.'"

Stier, head of Dare 2 Share Ministries, is currently touring the country to equip thousands of youth to preach the Gospel. His latest stop was in the Washington, D.C. area, where he spoke to The Christian Post about Millennials. Keep reading

See also
Thousands of Youth Gather for 'Reverse' Evangelism Event in DC Area

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